Embed tweets in your Astro sites with zero JavaScript on the client side. This is a (slightly opinionated) port of the fantastic react-tweet library. Huge thanks to Vercel and all the contributors of react-tweet.
Embed tweets in your Astro sites with zero JavaScript on the client side. This is a (slightly opinionated) port of the fantastic react-tweet library. Huge thanks to Vercel and all the contributors of react-tweet.
Embed player for terminal sessions (recorded with asciinema) in your Astro project. Using asciinema player under the hood. Comes with full asciinema player settings support, typings and docs hints.
Theme utils for astro
Critical css integration for astro to inline above-the-fold css into HTML
An astro integration to generate static Open Graph images, at build time
Astro component for static rendering of commands. This allows you build components in any language.
Provides system or user-defined color scheme preference, with a toggle mechanism. Settings are persisted, component is progressively enhanced and flash of unstyled content avoided. Also, it will provide an easier way to target theme with CSS / SCSS / JS.
Use Mithril components within Astro
LaTeX component for Astro
A way to leverage Vercel's Image Optimization API in Astro
Image Optimization tools for the Astro JS framework
This component relies on the good old browser router, still, it will give to your website an SPA feel, without all the JS overhead.
# astro-carousel ðŸŽ
A plugin for creating hierarchical navigation in Astro projects. Supports breadcrumbs too!
Component description
AsciiDoctor inside Astro
A straight-forward `Icon` component for Astro.
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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